Construct modern offices in record time.

Modular construction office buildings are modern, durable and can be constructed much faster than conventional ones.


Maximum Individuality

Everything from a single source

Over 95 years in the market

arbeitsplaetze servicemodul
bueromodul kramer

Modular construction offices

A new office – fast & effective investment.

If our customers are looking to acquire a new office building, there is usually a good reason for this: Their business is growing and they do not want to miss out on this opportunity due to a lack of office space. In short: The new building needs to be robust, durable and look the part – but be up and running as soon as possible.

If you have ever constructed a building, you will know that: Every step takes time. A piece of land has to be found and purchased, an architect commissioned and their work completed, and then there is the small task of permits and approvals … all this, and more, has to be done before the physical work can begin.

And once the building has eventually been constructed, questions start to arise as to what defects might occur over time and how durable the building actually is. The more “creative” the architect, the more likely such defects.



Unlike conventional buildings, many of the steps are much shorter for modular construction ones: For example, we require less planning time as our modules have been used in various projects in the past; and seeing as the modules are prefabricated in a short space of time at our facility, the time-consuming task of coordinating tradespeople on site is eliminated.

Geodreieck neben einem Stift


When choosing KRAMER modular construction, you benefit from tried and tested construction elements to create unique buildings. Since contrary to what is often assumed, there are hardly any limits to what your staff and our architects can achieve with our components.

Eine Hand hält ein Blatt


All of the components we use have been tried and tested over many years and proven to be extremely durable: That is why defects rarely occur in modular construction. Besides offering you and your team a robust office building for many years to come, it ensures maximum investment protection for you as the business owner.

4 Pfeile, die in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen


Sometimes businesses continue to grow even though they have actually run out of space. But instead of then having to spread your team over several locations, most modular buildings allow you to add more floors to the structure. And when this is no longer an option, a modular building can also be moved to a new, larger location.


That is why businesses choose to use KRAMER sales modules


mann an fertigung

Whatever the idea – we have the expertise.

At KRAMER modular construction, we utilise tried and tested modules to create unique buildings. There are really no limits to your ideas: Whether you are looking for a prestigious reception area, a large conference room or a covered terrace: Working together with our experts, you can create the perfect office building and bring your dream to life.

Bäckereitheke & Sitzbereich in der Bäckerei Ritter

Record breaking: 70% faster.

If you are busy growing your business, it is hard to find the time to organise and manage architects and tradespeople. Luckily, our modular construction buildings can be constructed 70% faster than conventional ones. Allowing you to provide your staff with new, modern workplaces in record-breaking time.

kramer theke

Hassle-free & turnkey construction.

It is not easy to keep a business on track. Therefore, your direct contact at KRAMER guides and accompanies you through the entire process, ensuring your new office is ready for use as quickly as possible.

Full service instead of chaos and confusion


Branch shop expansion usually requires more than just interior fittings. Perhaps you are still looking for a suitable building or piece of land. Afterwards, permits and approvals need to be obtained, financing secured and tradespeople organised. In other words: Opening a branch shop is a complex and time-consuming endeavour. This is why many of our customers decided to use KRAMER’s full service package to open their new branch shop as quickly as possible.


4 Pfeile, die in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zeigen


alles aus einer hand

Everything from
a single source


Over 95 years
in the market

Your questions – our answers

Do you have any more questions about your new office?


Simply write to us or give us a call. Together we will find the solutions to your individual challenge.

Business owners are usually very busy, so it comes a no surprise that they devote as little time and effort as possible to projects that do not directly focus on the actual business. Our construction method makes it much easier for business owners to construct a new office building, since we, as the general contractor, manage the project 100%.

After approval of the building application, it can take anywhere from six weeks to three months to fabricate the modules (depending on the size and complexity of the project). On site, it takes another one to three weeks to position the modules and fit all the connections and couplings. Meaning you can get to work in your new environment after a relatively short space of time.

Modular construction office buildings last just as long as conventional ones.

It is relatively simple to move a modular building. The modules have to be disconnected and then moved to their new location by truck.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a one-fits-all answer to this question, as the range of design options is extremely individual. As a rule, however, the price for turnkey projects ranges between 2,400 and 3,600 euros per square metre of floor space.

Converted or fitted containers are basically always a compromise in terms of performance. Our modular buildings meet all the requirements for modern, top-quality and energy-efficient buildings – without compromise.

THE FIRST STEP to your module:

Your message to us.



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for modular building

Bruno Tornow specialises in planning and developing modular buildings. He has successfully accompanied more than 50 projects.